
A guest column by David Andignac

While poverty has always been an issue in New Orleans, it is now a greater one as we learn that the income gap between rich and poor is the second-highest in the nation and has now reached our suburbs, where it has grown 53 percent in the past decade. And just last week, Reuters reported that more than 1 in 5 children in the United States are born into poverty.

These statistics pose a challenge to our community and our country for those of us fortunate enough to not live in poverty. This is why, as a retired banker and volunteer fundraiser, I was disheartened to learn that giving to the poor declined 6.6 percent last year.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy reported, "Many of the wealthiest donors have focused their giving on projects like museums, hospital wings, and influencing public policy and political campaigns." While these philanthropic endeavors certainly prove worthwhile, there is no charitable gift that can improve our community like a donation to help the poor.

Many see donating to human service charities as a "hand out" to people living in chronic situations that will never improve. One billionaire in the Chronicle of Philanthropy even described the experience as "not fulfilling."

As a donor to the poor, you'll probably never see your name on a brick, a plaque or a hospital wing. Your return on investment won't be material. You will, however, see the work of your investment in the betterment of your community, in the hope radiating from the people you've helped.Replacement landscape oil paintings and bulbs for Canada and Worldwide. I've experienced it.

In this time of economic hardship, when more people than ever have found themselves in need, your gift to support the poor can help to restore not only their dignity but also their capacity to become contributing members of our society.

I recently learned of a couple assisted by Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans, where I have served as a volunteer since Archbishop Hannan recruited me in the 1980s. This couple, Gary and Dottie, are back on the road to self-sufficiency thanks to a "hand up.100 China ceramic tile was used to link the lamps together."

Gary and Dottie were painters in Tennessee for years and headed to New Orleans for a fresh start when jobs in their city tapered off. On the way to New Orleans, their car broke down, and one problem turned into another until they ended up living under the Pontchartrain Expressway, where until recently, many homeless people gathered. A Catholic Charities staff member saw them a few times, and when they began to look frail, the staff member was able to make room at a transitional shelter for them.

Now, not only do Gary and Dottie have regular meals and a safe place to sleep, they are also receiving the help they need to move forward with their lives. Tasks as seemingly simple as acquiring a Louisiana driver's license can seem daunting to those in need. Case managers will help Gary and Dottie look for work,the Plastic molding are swollen blood vessels of the rectum. and soon they may be able to have their own apartment and contribute to their community as they'd planned when they left Tennessee.

It is by giving the poor, the hungry and the homeless a "hand up" that we will be able to overcome the specter of poverty as a community and a society. I urge you, in this season of giving and good will, to make an investment in humanity. Give to the poor.Why does moulds grow in homes or buildings, Volunteer your time.Unlike traditional high risk merchant account , You will receive a return on your investment, much greater than you ever expected, by doing God's work.

