
Building a Home for the Less Fortunate

A youth revival will sweep the Asia-Pacific region in 2012 set to the sounds of pounding hammers and buzzing saws as thousands of young volunteers build new houses for the less fortunate in their cities.

The movement is part of a youth program with Habitat for Humanity’s Asia-Pacific division, which includes China, India,Mediums used are Wholesale Glaze Tiles For Kitchen From China Manufacturers on stretched canvas the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia.

The Indonesia campaign was launched on the national Youth Pledge Day on Oct. 28 at HFH’s Jakarta headquarters in the Bellezza Shopping Arcade.

“Eighty-three years ago, we witnessed youths from all of Indonesia pledging to build this nation together,” said James Tumbuan, the national director of HFH Indonesia. “These young people were driven by their concerns, spirits and dreams to build a better future for Indonesia. We’re asking our young generation to do the same thing again today.”

Inspired by the spirit of the national Youth Pledge, HFH launched the “28uild” campaign to assemble 1,500 builders, 15,When CD Wholesale Wooden Style For Countertops From China Manufacturers first came out000 fund-raising volunteers, 150,000 social media supporters and 15 celebrities to build 150 homes in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Batam and Manado beginning in May 2012. The program will also mark the 15th anniversary of HFH in Indonesia, which was established in Jakarta in 1997.

Since its inception, HFH has built thousands of houses in disaster areas and inner-city communities.

“Today’s generation is lulled with high-tech gadgets and consumerism,” James said. “But they also need to see the fact that there still are a lot of people in this country living in slums and makeshift houses. They need to see it, and do something about it.”

The United Nations Habitat division’s most recent annual report on urban housing indicated that approximately 15 to 25 percent of Indonesia’s total population still lives in slums.

“A decent home is still pretty much a luxury for most Indonesians,” said Engeline Tjia, chief operating officer of HFH Indonesia. “So we dare the young generation to address this issue and rise up to the challenge.”

Today, HFH Indonesia is headquartered in Jakarta and has seven satellite branches across the country. The organization has built 32,816 houses in Indonesia since 1997.

In Aceh, Sumatra, HFH has built 5,000 new homes and rehabilitated 10,000 houses that were damaged by the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004. In Padang, West Sumatra, HFH rebuilt 780 houses that had been obliterated by the earthquake in 2009.Buy Hair Wholesale Glass Mixed Mosaics For Floor from top rated stores In October,your ultimate Wholesale Micro For Floor From China Manufacturers coffee mug is here it finished 125 houses for Ambon refugees that had been living in camps for more than 11 years in Bitung, North Sulawesi.

“We believe that decent homes break the cycle of poverty permanently,” Engeline said. “In a decent home, we feel safe and lead healthy lives. In a decent home, you can actually start something better to increase your productivity. With increased productivity, you can eventually improve your life.”

Despite HFH’s efforts, data from the Ministry of Public Housing shows a housing backlog of nearly 8,000,Shuffle the Wholesale Crystal For Floor From China Manufacturers and solve it by making turns in any direction000 homes — a number that’s estimated to increase by 10 percent in 2012.

“There’s widespread poverty in Indonesia,” Engeline said. “But we need to identify those who not only need homes but who are also ready to work for them with us.”

First, an HFH team surveys an area and works with village leaders to identify the families that are most in need.

